Wayfair Decision - Virginia Sales Use Tax CPA

Virginia Businesses Facing Potential  Sales and Use Tax Changes in 2018

States have wrestled with out-of-state and Internet sales and how to tax them. 

Virginia businesses selling in a multi-state environment may find that they have additional sales tax collection requirements in the near future as the U.S. Supreme Court revisited the physical presence requirement in South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of South Dakota stating that South Dakota and any other state may require out-of-state sellers with no physical presence in the state, but are selling via the internet or mail-order, to collect online sales tax from customers in the state.

Learn about Keiter's State and Local Tax Services

This timeline details changes to sales and use taxes and sales/use tax registration and collection requirements impacting businesses operating in Virginia and other U.S. states over the years: 

Visit our website for more information.